oregon burrito


  anxiety attacks!

i had an anxiety attack after someone's party the other night. i was like, shit, i thought i was all through with this business! i thought that i was having problems socializing. i was wrong. i went to some more parties and just realized that those other kids were staunchy and disagreeable to my palette. everything is cool.

We share the property where I work with a drive-thru coffee hut. It is owned by an eighteen year-old jehovah's witness. No, like seriously, he owns it.

Damn if he isn't the nicest guy ever. He comes in when he's bored and chats about hiking and stuff. I avoid the following topics: gender & sexuality, geology, biology.. etc., etc. It seems to work out.

  damn ho(s)

  full of rage

  necessary purchase


  getting old
Dude, I am getting old faster than I used to. There are clues all around: I do more "pleasure reading," I have a hard time turning off PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer, I subscribe to the Organic Consumers Association newsletter and am captivated every word. Sadly, I am on my way. I think this is a positive change, however, transitioning from a hip way of life to a satisfying way of life. This change can be greatly measured in dating habits. Observe:

Materials & Methods


Fortunately [inevitably] it has been proven that though start up costs in terms of energy are great--seeking out friends based on more than music and fashion tastes, finding a suitable and fulfilling job, beginning healthy diet and exercise routines, etc.--in time the benefits of the good life greatly drive down costs. In contrast, the cool life requires constant maintenance. Trends must be followed, often reinvented. Friends must shift as dating circles become more incestuous; epidemics of social anxiety disorder lead to a level of assholia that can seldom be tolerated for long.

I am not 14 anymore, and telling people that Modest Mouse is my favorite band has lost the coolness it had in the late 90's.

  on the battle of good and evil
Life is complex, choices sometimes difficult.

Thank you financial aid office of small private liberal arts college. My grades will surely decline while I am selling drugs to minors on South Street in order to further invest in my education. Your candy dish is nice--much selection.

  standardized testing
long days. many books. strong smells.

thalassic and fantastic. contains potatoes. filling.

i saw the bloodied snow but i did not see the creature
media for ears.

dreams r gr8
please interpret bizzy's MIND.

dick meadows
it's going to be beautiful, then it's going to hurt.

boston haiku
we are a family of warriors.

dinosaur comics / the perry bible fellowship / boy on a stick and slither / toothpaste for dinner / natalie dee / cat and girl / married to the sea / animals have problems too / etc.

07.2005 / 08.2005 / 09.2005 / 10.2005 / 11.2005 / 12.2005 / 01.2006 / 02.2006 / 03.2006 / 04.2006 / 05.2006 / 06.2006 / 01.2007 / 02.2007 / 09.2007 / 12.2007 / 03.2008 /

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