oregon burrito


  please don't

please don't drink soda during morning class, it's gross.

professor, i know you've been up since like 5am, so 11:30 is kinda like lunchtime for you. but: please don't wait in the coffee bar line for soda every morning, you are always 10 minutes late to our 50 minute class, and it's annoying.

please don't braid the chunks of your ponytail during class, it's fucking stupid.

please don't double cup your coffee just so you can slowly lift one cup out of the other, and then drop it back inside to hear the thud. during class. when i sit next to you. it is infuriating.

please don't put your SMELLY NAKED FEET ON THE SEMINAR TABLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. if not for me, for professor munoz--he looks so unhappy when you do it.

who am i to speak. i am the biggest clown of all smoking cigarettes between class outside the science center where the clean cut kids live. please don't make mean faces at me.

thalassic and fantastic. contains potatoes. filling.

i saw the bloodied snow but i did not see the creature
media for ears.

dreams r gr8
please interpret bizzy's MIND.

dick meadows
it's going to be beautiful, then it's going to hurt.

boston haiku
we are a family of warriors.

dinosaur comics / the perry bible fellowship / boy on a stick and slither / toothpaste for dinner / natalie dee / cat and girl / married to the sea / animals have problems too / etc.

07.2005 / 08.2005 / 09.2005 / 10.2005 / 11.2005 / 12.2005 / 01.2006 / 02.2006 / 03.2006 / 04.2006 / 05.2006 / 06.2006 / 01.2007 / 02.2007 / 09.2007 / 12.2007 / 03.2008 /

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